Thursday, February 21, 2008

Your opinion on fast food

I'm a huge fan of a website called They just came out with a new episode called "Super Sized Fast Food Phobia". It talks about the inaccurate tests done in the video "Super Size Me". It also discusses how safe fast food really can be with nutrition.

I would like to get your opinions after you hear the article at or read it at It is usually easier to hear the episodes instead of reading them.

I don't want to believe the skit until I get other peoples opinion on it. It has occurred to me that when "Super Size Me" was released that all those people who wanted to believe fast food was unhealthy for you believed it further. I'm stuck in that same situation with this episode. I have always believed that fast food is safe to eat on a daily basis but I don't want to jump to any conclusions based on one article without getting other peoples opinions.

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