Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Your future is pre-written, so just relax a bit

Let's wonder into an imaginary place. A place that is identical to ours in ever way. A planet that had the same origins as earth, and same principles to a tee. dust for dust and particle for particle everything was the same. Every hill, every drop of water, every particle on this and in this planet accounted for exactly where it is now.

Now we have to expand this imaginary place to interplanetary. All the stars, all the moons, all the quasars accounted for in exactly the same place. All space radiation, scientific principles and believes accounted for. To make it simple every that has an affect on you, the world, the solar system gets saved.

Now let's store this saved system into a file called the imaginary place. Now let's turn the recorders on and start recording the next 1000 years of our existence. We will call this recording the nothing_changes_no_matter_what_you_do.mp5.

Now that we are all of a sudden 1000 years in the future we want to take that old save that we made and start playing it. From that playing we want to start recording the next 1000 years from it. We will call this recording as it's_going_to_be_exactly_the_same_as_the_first_recording.mp5.

Now can you guess what happens when we compare those 2 recordings. In simple mathematical terms you get the equation nothing_changes_no_matter_what_you_do.mp5 = it's_going_to_be_exactly_the_same_as_the_first_recording.mp5. That's right. They are identical in every way. Every thought, dream, invention, experience is unavoidable.

Your future, past and present are all pre-written. You can't control it, you can't avoid it. But don't let me spoil the fun of life. Just keep living it.

Friday, September 12, 2008

They are making a new Conan

I've heard that they are making another Conan. I sure like the idea in theory but I am worried that they are going to make a few mistakes. I am writing this to let you know of a few things they could do to ruin it.

1. Their is no need to have any CGI. It's just going to make the movie less believable and cause unnecessary distractions from the plot and the characters.

2. The move must be rated R. This can not be a crappy remake like Die hard 4. Although Die hard 4 was good it would have been made better with a lot of blood and a lot of nudity.

3. Get actors that fit the bill. All the original actors were believable in the first two conans. I don't want to find out that they are going to get Tom Cruise, or that kid Shia LaBeouf just because they got a budget for it.

That's all I got for now. But if anyone wants to add there opinion feel free too.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Evolutionary Step

I look around my house and I am surrounded by innovation. I have so much innovation/technology around me that I would say 90% of the items that surround me were created within the last 100 years.

If you go back 200 years were people thinking this same thing? Did they look around and say that everything they owned were from innovations from the past 100 years? I don't think they could have.

Let's create a invisible measurement called a evolutionary step. In a chart this measurement would be compared to time. Let's go back 10,000 years. 1 evolutionary step may have taken 100's of years to achieve. If you go back 500 years a evolutionary step may have only taken decades to occur. Now a days it seems like we are making evolutionary steps in months or even days.

Just thinking about this gives me a warm feeling. A good feeling that the future is going to hold something cool and that I will probably get to see a glimpse of it before I pass on.