Thursday, February 21, 2008

Your opinion on fast food

I'm a huge fan of a website called They just came out with a new episode called "Super Sized Fast Food Phobia". It talks about the inaccurate tests done in the video "Super Size Me". It also discusses how safe fast food really can be with nutrition.

I would like to get your opinions after you hear the article at or read it at It is usually easier to hear the episodes instead of reading them.

I don't want to believe the skit until I get other peoples opinion on it. It has occurred to me that when "Super Size Me" was released that all those people who wanted to believe fast food was unhealthy for you believed it further. I'm stuck in that same situation with this episode. I have always believed that fast food is safe to eat on a daily basis but I don't want to jump to any conclusions based on one article without getting other peoples opinions.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Let's scramble our minds with math

These are some preliminary numbers. I'm sure I messed up so maybe someone can correct the mistakes.

This mathematics is not exact and not nearly what the great number crunchers that they have at Nasa. These are preliminary numbers assuming that everything stays stationary and doesn't move.

I wonder how long it would take for us to try and reach the first star nearest to earth? For those who aren't aware it would be considered the Sun.

Average Speed of a spaceship = 63k000km/h
Distance from earth to Sun = 150,000,000km
It would take us 99 days and 5 hours to reach the sun.

I wonder how long it would reach the next closes star to earth? For those who aren't aware it is Proxima.

Average Speed of a Spaceship = 63,000km/h
Distance from earth to Proxima = 4.2 Light Years
Distance when converted to kilometers is 9,460,528,400,000km
It would take us 71,997 years 22 days and 9 hours to reach Proxima.

Now the real question. Do you really think that if that was life out there that they would really bother trying to find us?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Experiences at Xavier Rudd

I went to see Xavier Rudd because of friend gave me a ticket. We were up in the rafters 2nd level balcony all the way to the side in seats 1 and 2. Not the best seats in the house. But I still had a great time.

I wasn't all that into the music. Although Xavier Rudd was great I had a tough time really getting into the music. But the music did something else to me. Instead of causing me to dance wild and cheer like it did most other people it took me into the past.

It first hit me when he was doing some Caribbean type music. My first though was how it sounded like Graceland by Paul Simon. Then I got thrown back into several instances where I was listening to Graceland and having a great time.

As the music continued I was reminded of all the great memories I've had with my friends. All the great Times I've had with Scott W., Darby J. and Alan C. All the parties we have been to together and the crazy things that ensued along with them. It was a marvelous blast from the past.

Then I was taken into all the great memories I've had at folkfest. I have only been to folkfest twice but I have enough memories to last 6 folkfests. Specific times I was reminded of was with Christian F. Dancing around the fires. There was also the time when a party of all went into the pit at night and saw the fire throwers something I would have happily paid money to see. I even remembered sleeping on my towel in front of the main stage but put to sleep by some great music.

I had what I would call an out of body experience. An experience of all my great memories I've had with my friends. It's an experience I could not have had if it wasn't for Xavier Rudd. Thank you very much Xavier Rudd and Friends.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Romero's Genius comes onto the internet

One of my favorite zombie movie makers, George Romero, is trying something new to promote his new movie. His new movie is called "Diary of the Dead". It's going to be filmed in a similar manor to the way Cloverfield was filmed. It will appear like a live timeline of events as the world becomes zombified.

Romero wants people to submit there own movies and have the people on the internet rate them. The top 10 of these movies will be viewed by Romero himself and a few of them might even make it to the DVD release of "The Diary of the Dead". This has caused some unknown, awesome film makers come out of the woodworks. Even I have an idea for a script for a zombie movie.

You can check out the details at If you go to the website you can see some of the submissions that people have made. Some of them are pretty good quality.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm just not smart enough

Have you ever had an idea before that you couldn't grasp? An idea that you couldn't explain but is rambling around in your head. A beautiful idea that just seems past your own IQ.

I've had this idea rattling around in my brain for the past month. I can't put it on paper, or explain it in words. I can't do it because I can't understand it myself. It's like an idea out of a dimension where reality doesn't make any sense.

I wonder if this is how discoveries are made. An idea that doesn't make any sense but given enough time you slowly start to put the puzzle together and can make sense of it.

I just thought of an interesting story that may help you understand the story. When Christopher Columbus stumbled upon America it was already inhabited by natives. When these natives looked out into the ocean they couldn't make sense of these massive ships. To the natives they had never seen ships of this size or magnitude so they didn't even think they were ships, floating in water. They just assumed they were pretty colors resting on the waters.

As time went on the boats came closer, and closer until it became clear to the natives that these were floating vessels. These floating vessels contained people. It was at this point that the natives realized what those color floating things were in the water.

This is the idea I am referring too. Maybe at some point I will be able to make sense of my idea but for now I just don't understand it.