Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Romero's Genius comes onto the internet

One of my favorite zombie movie makers, George Romero, is trying something new to promote his new movie. His new movie is called "Diary of the Dead". It's going to be filmed in a similar manor to the way Cloverfield was filmed. It will appear like a live timeline of events as the world becomes zombified.

Romero wants people to submit there own movies and have the people on the internet rate them. The top 10 of these movies will be viewed by Romero himself and a few of them might even make it to the DVD release of "The Diary of the Dead". This has caused some unknown, awesome film makers come out of the woodworks. Even I have an idea for a script for a zombie movie.

You can check out the details at http://www.myspace.com/diaryofthedead. If you go to the website you can see some of the submissions that people have made. Some of them are pretty good quality.

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