Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Let's scramble our minds with math

These are some preliminary numbers. I'm sure I messed up so maybe someone can correct the mistakes.

This mathematics is not exact and not nearly what the great number crunchers that they have at Nasa. These are preliminary numbers assuming that everything stays stationary and doesn't move.

I wonder how long it would take for us to try and reach the first star nearest to earth? For those who aren't aware it would be considered the Sun.

Average Speed of a spaceship = 63k000km/h
Distance from earth to Sun = 150,000,000km
It would take us 99 days and 5 hours to reach the sun.

I wonder how long it would reach the next closes star to earth? For those who aren't aware it is Proxima.

Average Speed of a Spaceship = 63,000km/h
Distance from earth to Proxima = 4.2 Light Years
Distance when converted to kilometers is 9,460,528,400,000km
It would take us 71,997 years 22 days and 9 hours to reach Proxima.

Now the real question. Do you really think that if that was life out there that they would really bother trying to find us?


Anonymous said...

Um, for these kind of distances, the only way to go is bending space - if achieved, the trip could take seconds. :)

Unknown said...

Bending space isn't a theory. A theory is backed by proof. There is no proof that space can be bent. Instead of calling it a theory I would call it an idea.