Monday, April 30, 2007

Gathering ones thoughts is hard to do

I have now been trying to write something on my blog for 40 minutes and nothing is coming out. It's not that I don't have anything to write but I can't seem to gather my thoughts. Every time I come up with a good article to write I get discouraged a few lines in and erase it.

Something starts off as a good idea but the more I think about it the more I get discouraged. Or perhaps it's a bunch of scrambled thoughts thoughts that I can't properly put on the page. Or in some cases I can't properly describe my thoughts or feelings on a subject. Or I realize how un-interesting the idea was and send it back to oblivion with my delete key. Or I reread the article and realize that's not where I intended it to go.

I really lack courage and confidence when writing. It's probably because I have never been a very good writer. I even remember back in school I never got any encouragement to write. I would pour my heart into an article on to get it back receiving a bad mark. All my writers seem to follow this very article where it's a bunch of ideas that are just cluttered up that don't make sense.

I'll stop writing now because with every word I write I make less sense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I get days where I have a lot of things I want to say, but it's just not coming together on the page.

Having read the few entries you have here, I didn't find them difficult to understand. I don't think you are half as bad as you think you are at this writing thing. :)

Don't know about blogger, but WordPress allows me to save as many draft entries as I want. Much of my writing comes in sessions, where I'll do two or three entries, and then make them public one at a time over several days. Hopefully in that time I find more inspiration, and keep the queue full.

Anyway, don't think of the blog entries as some article to be published on the front page of Globe and Mail. I've been there, and it always results in paralysis. Post freely, and enjoy watching your writing improve with time. It's a nice process to watch! :)