Thursday, January 17, 2008

I've been reading up a lot of Creationism and Evolution. I'm not going to say which side I'm or to say that I have taken a side. I believe what I believe and no internet literature or conversation is going to sway me away from my beliefs. I believe this is the same for most of the people on the internet.

Yet the fight continues. It's pretty crazy to see both sides break down. They break down because no one knows it all. Yet everyone believes they know everything. Every person may claim that they know it all but in the end it just isn't possible. Their is too much knowledge on both sides for any one person to know it all.

What makes me so interested about this subject is to see one side always trying to convince the other side that they are correct. To convince someone to go against their believes doesn't happen over night. Short of a major epiphany the side that you have chosen by the age of 25 is most likely going to be the side you take to your grave. I don't have any actual stats but reading what I have read it seems like no one really switch sides. I've read instances where people claim to have switched sides but that is not because they believe in the other side but rather they have lost faith in their own side.

I can go on and on about this debate but it's getting late and I'm getting tired. Another time I will continue throwing out my thoughts and maybe I can find someone who can make sense of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can only see one side making claims that they know most of what there is to know.

If there is a God, we can't begin to understand what this entity might want from us - we're better off living as if it did not exist, not making feeble attempts at pleasing it. To make arbitrary claims of whom it wants you marry, what kind of food it wants you to eat and when, how to have sex...

And the faux modesty of the 'chosen', it's too much. So many claim to be humbled by God, all while claiming they are running errands for the maker of the universe.

"So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence."